The playart designer lets you create your own custom playart for plays and formations and define exactly how you want the lines and shapes of your plays and formations to appear. (See How to Add or Edit Playart for details on how to get to the playart designer.)
Playart Preview
The top of the playart designer is a preview of the playart and it will change to reflect the edits you make using the controls in the Design box. (The play in the preview is a special one that mixes both offensive and defensive players to show all available lines and shapes available for editing.) To save your changes, click the save diagram button [image] at the top right of the page near the playart name or in the Manage box.
Design Box
The design box holds controls that trigger popup forms that allow you to change different aspects of the playart. From the design box you can change playart that applies to the player shapes, route lines, coverage lines, waypoints, and throws:
Player Playart
Left-clicking the player playart button triggers a popup to edit player playart:
Background Color | The background color for player shapes. |
Shaded Color | The background color for the shaded portion of shaded right/left player shapes. |
Border Color | The border color for player shapes. |
Label Color | The color for text inside the player shape. |
Label Font Family | The font family for the player label. |
(As with all the following options, the best way to figure out what they do is to change something and watch how the playart preview changes.)
Route Playart
Left-clicking the route playart button triggers a popup to edit route playart:
There are two sections to the form, one for routes and one for motion. Route and motion playart applies to both offensive and defensive routes and motion (pre-snap movement).
Line Width | The width of the line. |
Line Color | The color of the line. |
Dash Line | For dashed lines, the length of the alternating solid portions of the line. |
Dash Space | For dashed lines, the length of the alternating space portions of the line. (Set dash space to 0 for a solid line.) |
Endpoint Radius | The radius of route endpoint shapes. |
Coverage Playart
Left-clicking the coverage playart button triggers a popup to edit defensive coverage playart:
(For both man coverage and zone coverage the “line” refers to the line that connects the last waypoint of the player’s route to the symbol that represents the coverage.)
Line Width | The width of the line. |
Line Color | The color of the line. |
Dash Line | For dashed lines, the length of the alternating solid portions of the line. |
Dash Space | For dashed lines, the length of the alternating space portions of the line. (Set dash space to 0 for a solid line.) |
Box Line Width | The width of the line defining the coverage box (or ellipse). |
Box Line Color | The color of the line defining the coverage box. |
Box Dash Line | For dashed lines, the length of the alternating solid portions of the line. |
Box Dash Space | For dashed lines, the length of the alternating space portions of the line. (Set dash space to 0 for a solid line.) |
Box Color | The background color for the coverage box. |
Box Opacity | The opacity (transparency) of the coverage box. The lower the number the more transparent the box color. |
Waypoint Playart
Left-clicking the waypoint playart button triggers a popup to edit waypoint playart:
For waypoints there are two states – normal and hover. The hover state is how the waypoint appears when the mouse is hovered over it in the play designer and the normal state is how the waypoint appears otherwise.
The hover state only applies to the play designer and is used to define how big the “trigger” area is for moving waypoints – the bigger the radius of the trigger the more easily a waypoint can be selected but bigger hover radiuses can make it difficult to select a particular waypoint if there are several clustered together.
Shape Radius | The radius of the waypoint circle. |
Border Width | The width of the waypoint circle’s border. |
Border Color | The color of the waypoint circle’s border. (The grey/white box pattern is transparent.) |
Throw Playart
Left-clicking the throw playart button triggers a popup to edit playart for passes, pitches, and the snap:
Line Width | The width of the line. |
Line Color | The color of the line. |
Dash Line | For dashed lines, the length of the alternating solid portions of the line. |
Dash Space | For dashed lines, the length of the alternating space portions of the line. (Set dash space to 0 for a solid line.) |