To pass the ball you first have to snap the ball. After that’s taken care of there are several ways to pass depending on the players and actions involved.
Passing from the Quarterback
Right-click on the quarterback (or whichever player currently has the ball) and choose “Pass Ball” from “Ball > Pass” in his action menu:
Then right-click on the player you want to pass to and choose “Receive Pass” from his “Ball > Pass” menu:
Playbook Wizard will draw the playart:
and you can immediately animate the play to see the pass in action.
This play isn’t very exiting as none of the players are moving so let’s change that with the second example.
Passing from the Receiver
Instead of starting with the quarterback and telling him to pass you can start with the receiver and tell him to catch. As long as the ball has been snapped and has yet to be passed, a potential receiver (any player who does not currently have the ball) will have the “Receive Pass” option in their “Ball > Pass” menu:
So, you can effectively skip the first step of telling the quarterback to pass the ball and just tell the receiver to receive the pass.
Passing from the Route Menu
Similar to the above example, as long as the ball has been snapped all potential receivers will also have the option to receive a pass directly from their Route menu:
Choosing “Default” from this menu will end the route with a run arrow but choosing “End Receive Pass” will draw the route and then Playbook Wizard will automatically add the pass:
Ending a route by receiving a pass is also available from “My Routes” actions and when specifying an endpoint after drawing a custom route:
Passing from Waypoints
You’re not limited to passing from a stationary quarterback to the endpoint of a route either. If you choose to receive a pass from a quarterback that’s rolling out the pass will automatically be connected from the quarterback’s endpoint:
You can also pass from a waypoint:
to another waypoint:
and Playbook Wizard will take care of the rest:
Passing Restrictions
There are three restrictions when it comes to passing. First, the ball must be snapped before a pass can occur. Second, the waypoint you pass from must be behind the line of scrimmage. And third, the player receiving the ball must be in front of the player passing the ball.
If these conditions are not met a player won’t have the option to pass or receive a pass show up in their “Ball” action menu.